Tuesday, January 1, 2013

AIDWR in 2013?

Am I doing what’s right?
At the beginning of each year our culture seems to suggest it to be beneficial if we make New Years resolutions.  I quit that a few years ago and have changed my approach to what I believe has been more progressive by asking myself questions. My question this year is Am I Doing What's Right?  Or--AIDWR. 
My objective is to grow in my relationship with God.  I was in dismay when I read a quote from David Kinnaman president of Barna Group, which stated “Only 9 out of more than a 1,000 survey respondents mention that one of their objectives next year was getting closer to God in some way”.
The noted Ann Curry presented an challenge to the larger world as a result of the horrific tragedy in Connecticut.  She called it “26 Acts of Kindness” which was accepted my thousands of persons.  This challenge was largely an external one and I might say a good one.  I believe if a multitude of persons would be serious in asking  the AIDWR question, we would experience more civility in the world, nation, state, communities, churches, homes and yes in our own lives.  Wouldn’t that be a beneficial for all of us for the New Year?
By daily introspection about this question I anticipate new internal changes in my life.  Is this something worth trying for you?